Are you ready for opportunities to serve Christ?

In the Old Testament, I think of how the story of Samuel also beautifully and completely illustrates this point.  Samuel’s mother, Hannah, had taken him to the high priest of Israel, Eli, to raise him as a servant of God.  When Samuel had reached the stage in life where he was ready serve God, He began to call on Samuel: And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth (I Samuel 3:10). Samuel was ready to answer the call and place his complete trust in God and to complete the tasks that He would call him to do.

Again, this can be applied to the Christian today.  We have abilities and gifts; we all have some talent that has been developed throughout our lives.  Some can play instruments, sing songs, organize activities, or have an ability to work with their hands.  These are all things that God can use only if we answer the call of the Master when he calls us to serve him.  Peter, Andrew, and Samuel not only possessed skills and talents and were already busy doing something else, but all three men did answer the call to serve when they were called on by God.

The parable about the talents teaches us that no matter how menial or small the task appears to be that God has called us to do, it is just as important as a missionary’s work in a foreign field.  What matters is the attitude that we bring to the task, the effort we put into completing it, and the true reason—our love for God and the appreciation of the price that was paid for our sins—that is behind our efforts.

In my experiences, when God does call us to do something for Him, it is normally something that we will be able to find complete enjoyment in doing.  There are ladies in our congregation that take turns making the silk flower arrangements that do an excellent job and enjoy that particular work they do on behalf of our church body.  There are ladies and a few men in our congregation that enjoy cooking and cannot wait to bring something for everyone to try at the next potluck, or to take to a sick church member, or our new mothers.  As the old hymn verse goes “there’s a work for all to do, hark the voice of God is calling…little is much when God is in it.”

Again, its nothing more than being ready to serve when God provides you an opportunity to serve Him.  It is about surrendering yourself to His call and doing it with genuine joy, striving to complete the task that He has set before you.   Its about not seeking the accolades of men but striving to demonstrate our love for the Lord Jesus Christ and with the blessed hope Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ (Colossians 3:24).