Tag Archives: John

Why visual perception is never enough

DSCF0125During the late spring and throughout summer, my family and I enjoy going to various state and national parks within a day-trip radius of our home in Henderson, Kentucky.  One Saturday morning, we drove to Marengo Cave, located near Marengo, Indiana.  About thirty minutes through the tour, we entered a large chamber that had a shallow pond near the path.  I don’t remember all that the tour guide told us, but I do remember how the pond gave the appearance of the chamber having another level underneath the one we were on.  The guide did invite the group to come further into the chamber and see the shallow pond.  Conversations and laughter erupted among our group as we began to realize that the lower level was nothing more than a reflection in a pond less than an inch and a half deep. We all were guilty of having a mistaken impression of the cavern’s chamber based on its visual appearance.

Last night, during the Sunday evening worship service at our church, the pastor, Alan Ramsey, discussed that we must understand that our race, as individual Christians and as a church, is not the same race that God has ordained for others.  God has placed before each of us our own race; the trials, tribulations, and blessings we are given are uniquely crafted especially for us by God.  As our pastor continued on his point, he began to talk about how each church has been given certain talents, abilities, and blessings to accomplish the tasks that God has set before it.  Each church, just like each Christian, has its own race to run and should not be concerned with what other churches are doing but should focus on the tasks at hand.  Too many times, Christians get off track when we start determining our spiritual growth and outlook to what other Christians are doing.  While it is natural for us to want to model our lives and spiritual walk after those we perceive of having a strong relationship with God, we must keep in mind that the only true measure of our spiritual growth must be the only true measure – God’ word, the Bible.

I have made the mistake of measuring my spiritual walk to those that I thought were more spiritual than myself.  At one point, I even based my decisions on which church to attend based on the building’s appearance, its size, and the number of cars in the parking lot on Sundays and Wednesday night.  I was doing on a much larger scale of what the apostle Paul warned us about:  Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ’s, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ’s, even so are we Christ’s (II Corinthians 10:7).  In this particular text, Paul was reminding the Christians at Corinth that appearance alone should not be the basis of Christian fellowship.  We can make the broader application that we should not base our decisions about where to attend and serve in a church based on its appearance.  Even the Lord Christ Jesus taught on this very subject, as recorded in the gospel of John: Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment (John 7:24).

When we judge on appearance we become blinded to the truth and become focused on the perception.  Just as I did when I was trying to find a church based on its outward appearance, as I began to visit those churches, I noticed that it was not the large buildings, the full parking lots, or even the well manicured church lawns where I felt the presence of God the most.  In many occasions, it was obvious that something was missing from the church.  Sure, they had great music, a piano player, and maybe even a choir, but the presence of the Lord wasn’t there.  Instead of being Christ centered, something else had become the focus of the church; maybe it was a mission field, a new project, or maybe a person that the church was now focused on.  There’s also a danger when we try and use the physical appearance of people we deem as Christians – they may have all the outward appearances of a love for Christ yet inside their hearts is empty, void of the true joy that Christ can give.

If we truly have the light of Christ dwelling in us we should not want to or be able to contain its transforming glow.  As Jesus taught and as recorded in three of the gospels: Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house (Matthew 5:15).  As a child of God, I should have a desire to follow Christ and his teachings that not only impacts my own being but should be evident to others.  The Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t come into our hearts just so we can continue to live like the lost world around us but so that others may see the joy and blessings and we can give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear (I Peter 3:15b).  There is a difference in what others perceive about us when we act like we are Christians and when we actually walk the Christian path that the Lord has set before us.  This is why Jesus taught his disciples that Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? (Matthew 7:16).  It’s not enough to appear as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ; a true Christian will bear fruit that not only identifies them as a Christian, but will also bear witness of Christ.

The beautiful and simple message of the cross


In extreme western Ballard County, Kentucky, overlooking the Mississippi River is the site of an old town and Army fort, Fort Jefferson.  Although the town and any remnants of the fort are long gone, on the site stands a gleaming white cross.  A small dirt road takes you from U.S. Highways 62/51 to the base of the cross that overlooks the convergence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers.  There’s no state park, no attractions, and not even a paved road – there’s just a cross.  Each time I think about the day I found this place I stand amazed at its simplicity.  There were no highway signs, no tourist information stations – there was just a cross.

I was not brought up in a Christian home and did not have the benefit of really knowing who God was.  My father was career Army and as a family, we moved from duty station to duty station about every four years.  Although both parents claimed to believe in God, there was no evidence of God in our home.  We didn’t attend church regularly, there was no Bible reading, and no prayer.  There was no such thing as family devotions, a family altar, nor even any reference to God or the Bible in any of the decorations that adorned our houses.  Looking back at my past, I clearly remember visiting family in Altus, Oklahoma and my great grandmother, Edith Mae Craft, asking me if I wanted to pray for a meal; my response to her was “I’d love to, but I don’t know how.”  I believe I was around ten or eleven at that time.  Sometime later and while I was 13, I asked my mother why we didn’t go to church like one of my neighborhood friends.  Her response was was that she wanted me to make up my own mind about God when I became an adult and did not want me to feel forced to follow what she believed.

I came to know the Lord as my personal Saviour while I was eighteen years old and while attending at a community college tied to the University of Southern Mississippi.  At the time, I was a music theory and composition major and admittedly was struggling with a lot of issues – including spirituality, sexuality, alcoholism, depression, and even my own identity. Although legally an adult at the age of eighteen, I was not prepared for college life.  Had it not been for one of my college professors, Dr. James Whitman  I might never have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ nor accepted the Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour.  He didn’t use a bunch of fancy words, discuss church doctrines, or even point to all my shortcomings and failures.  He simply taught me how God’s love for me was demonstrated on the cross.  I will never forget the five verses Dr. Whitman used to show me God’s love and grace:

  • Romans 3:10 – As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
  • Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
  • Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  • John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
  • Romans 10:10 – For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

There’s nothing fancy or magical about the five verses he shared with me.  I will never forget that Friday evening of August 26th, 1988, with a conversation that began in the piano practice room and continued into my dormitory lobby as I struggled with the very real spiritual war that was being waged in my heart and mind.  There was no requirement that Dr. Whitman spend his own personal time trying to reach students.  He was not there as a college professor that night, but he was there as a man that was concerned with my eternal soul.  He was there to bear witness and as an answer to my broken prayers.  He was there to share the beautiful and simple message of the cross; the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus as atonement for my sins as a gift that all I needed to do was to accept it through faith.  That night, as we knelt down in prayer and I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, I felt that a tremendous weight had been lifted.  For the first time in my life I didn’t feel empty or alone.

Anyone that knows me knows that I’d like to say that from that point in my life it was all sunshine and roses, but it hasn’t been.  Unfortunately the church I began attending didn’t have a strong discipleship program and I did not remain in the Perkinston/Hattiesburg area much longer. At the end of the semester I joined the U.S. Army and spent nearly seven years serving nearly all over the globe.  Somewhere between basic training and my medical discharge in 1996  I returned back to the lifestyle I had become accustomed to while a child living at home.  It was not until 2006 that I decided to invest as much time in my personal discipleship as I did in my pursuit of higher education; if you want to see real spiritual progress in your walk with God, make Him a priority in your life.

My two year old daughter and namesake of my great grandmother, Edith is laying on the couch taking her morning nap.  Having lived through everything I have, I fully understand Joshua’s proclamation: And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15). What my wife and I are doing with her is a matter of this decision Joshua made back then – a deliberate effort made to make God the center of our home.  She will be raised knowing that Sunday we go to church as a family, Wednesday night we gather at the church to study and pray with one another, and that God is real.  I do not want her to ever say she doesn’t know how to pray or that we didn’t want to teach her out of fear of forcing religion on her.  I want her to know the peace that God can bring into a life rather than the loneliness, desperation  and emptiness that the world offers.

Why should I put my trust in God to solve my problems? (Pt 1)

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil  (Proverbs 3:5-7).

It doesn’t matter if you are a young-in-the-faith Christian or someone that’s walked with the Lord for many years – one of the things that we all struggle with is relying on God to meet our needs.  Its difficult during times of trouble to revert to the “old man” and come up with our own plans and schemes to solve our problems.  Paul wrote that our spirit and flesh are in constant battle because they are fundamentally opposed –  or spirit seeks the will of God while our flesh seeks its own survival and gratification (Galatians 5:17).

Solomon was a man that had been blessed with godly wisdom; as the author of the book of Proverbs, he addresses this very issue that both Christians and Jews have struggled with for generations.  As Christians, we say that we believe in Jesus, the power of him to forgive our sins, and even sing “let me hide myself in Thee…” and other great songs of the faith that are acclamations of fully trusting in God, yet we often turn to God as a last resort when our trials and tribulations are about to overcome us and we see no other way out.  What we should do, when we are faced with times of trouble, is to seek God’s guidance before we do anything else.

The next few entries to the Daily Walk will focus on the above passage and consider the reasons why, as Christians, we must allow God to be in control, we must resist the flesh when we are facing difficulty, and how through our trials and difficulties we can actually see our faith in God increased.  The first installment of this series of posts is simply:

Why should I put my trust in God to solve my problems?

This is a question that although we may not ask directly, we do ask it through our actions.  In my own life, when I have faced difficult decisions, problems, or even just the feelings of being alone, in stead of turning to God and allowing him to guide me through, I go into panic mode and try to rationalize a solution to the problem.

God knows the conclusion(s) to our problems before we realize we are at the beginning (Ecclesiastes 7:8; Isaiah 46:10).

If there is ever a time we need to be reminded of this simple Bible truth it is when we are first aware that we are facing adversity.  It is at this stage we panic and instead of asking God for guidance, we often utter the questions, “why me, God?” or “What’s next, God?” or any variety of similar questions.  We fail to include God as part of our working solution, but instead, seek to blame him for letting us suffer.  It is a test of our Christian character that many fail; even the apostle Peter had this difficulty – it was only when he was sinking did he cry out to the Lord to save him from difficulty (Matthew 14:30).

Jesus knew that Peter was going to sink; we know this because the book of Matthew records that Jesus was able to reach down and pull Peter back up.  Before Peter called for help, Jesus knew the possible outcomes of how Peter would react to sinking among the waves.  He knew, before the sole of Peter’s shoe sank into the water that Peter would cry for help.  We see the same thing demonstrated with Job as God tells Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? (Job 1:8).

We have the benefits from having God’s promises and word revealed to us through the Bible, but Job had no such assurances.  All he had was his faith in what he knew God could do, unlike us that can see what God has done in the past.  God, knowing the end from the beginning, knew the outcome of what Job’s time of difficulty and troubles.  He knew, that no matter how Satan attacked Job, Job would not turn his back on God.  If God had even remotely saw that Job would have failed or that Satan would triumph, God would not have held him in such esteem.  God knew Job’s heart and knew the choice that Job would ultimately make (Psalms 27:11).

This same concept of God being able to see the end of a trial before we even see the beginning is demonstrated in the gospels.  Peter, sure of his ability to stand with Christ to the end, stated that he would remain by Jesus’s side no matter the consequences and even said that he was willing to follow Christ in death (Matthew 26:33-34; Luke 22:33-34; John 13:37-38).  Jesus, knowing the trial of faith and the path that Peter would choose, told him that the cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me (Luke 22:34).

It is not that God had set Peter’s destiny in stone and stripped away his ability to make a choice according to his free will, but that Christ, knowing all things, knew the exact choice that Peter would make and the outcome of that decision.  Many denominations teach that it is the same about salvation; God knows who will accept and who won’t.  In fact, the Southern Baptist Convention is struggling with this concept – the concept of Calvinism, that teaches the idea that a person has been condemed to hell or is saved already at birth because it is their God-ordained destiny.  This is far from the truth – God allows the individual to shape his or her own destiny.

In fact, the Bible demonstrates that God knows the outcome of any action we make, regardless of what we actually do.  Christ taught Nicodemus this simple truth when he stated He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God (John 3:18).  The key is understanding that right now, at this moment, you are either a believer in Jesus Christ or you are not – you have made this choice and the consequinces are already known to God – if you are saved, then you have everlasting life; if you are lost then you are condemned to suffer in hell for eternity.  The choice is yours to make; God knows the end result of either choice.  It’s the same concept with any other decision we make in this life – God already knows all possible outcomes.